Welcome to our NEW HomeArts Registration. Please submit all your creations online before you come for Check-In. This will make things easier for you and for us!

To find the rule book visit www.myfairgrounds.com

Step 1: Create a fairentry account

Step 2: Click"Begin work on a new invoice"

Step 3: Click " Register an Exhibitor"

Step 4: Click "Individual"

Fill in information

Step 5: Review---Click" Continue to Entries

Click "Add an Entry" (Each item you are entering is an entry)

Follow prompts

********Rabbits and Poultry********(IF choosing to enter an animal in the open class once you have chosen a Division and Class you need to "Add an animal" Click "Enter a New Animal Record" and Fill in "Create and Add Animal)*********

Step 6: You have 3 options

Add another entry for this exhibitor

Register another Exhibitor

Continue to Payment (Amount will be $0)

Step 7: "Submit"

We look forward to seeing all your creations.

Check-In is Aug 12th, 5-7 pm & Aug 13th, 9 am-3 pm. There will be NO entries excepted after 3:00 pm

Poultry check-in is August 13th 1:00-6:00pm

If you have any questions Call/ Text Clarissa Draney at 208-313-4896

FairEntry Exhibitor, Staff Sign-In

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